Stop Fighting and
Start Communicating

Online Couples Counseling and Marriage Therapy in Colorado

Stop Fighting and

Start Communicating

Online Couples Counseling and Marriage Therapy in Evergreen, Colorado


Hi, I’m Valery! 

I help couples in Colorado who struggle with conflict, communication, and connection move forward. If you’re struggling in your relationship, worried about your marriage, or uncertain about your future, working together could help you find your path. We offer online couples counseling and marriage therapy.

Choosing the right therapist is important, and I want you to feel confident in our work together. I have over a decade of experience providing counseling and therapy to individuals, couples, and families. You don’t have to figure this out alone. I’m here to help.

How I Help

Help For High Conflict Couples

If you can’t seem to stop fighting with your partner, you’re not alone. Many couples struggle to manage conflict without yelling, fighting dirty, or getting mean. The good news is that there’s help. I help couples who struggle with conflict learn how to manage their emotions, fight fair, and find their calm.

Communication Skills

Communicating with someone you love is hard, especially if you’re never learned the right tools and skills. If you can’t seem to find the right words, you’re in the right place. I help couples who struggle to communicate learn how to talk to each other again.

Discernment Counseling

If you find yourself feeling uncertain about the future of your relationship and seriously considering divorce, Discernment Counseling can help. I help couples work through the very difficult decision of breaking up or staying together and what happens next.

Make the First Step

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My Blog